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Hooks are actions that are triggered when specific CRUD operations occur through the Pruvious collection API. You can add hooks by creating a TypeScript file in the hooks directory located in the root of your project.


Here's an example of a hook that sends an email to newly created users:

# hooks/users/after-create.ts

import { defineHook } from '#pruvious'

export default defineHook('users', 'afterCreate', async ({ record }) => {
  // Send email to: record.email


The defineHook function accepts the following arguments:



The name of a defined collection.


Specifies when the hook is triggered. The following list contains valid values, with those exclusive to multi-entry collections indicated by the M symbol:

  • beforeCreate M - Triggered for each record individually.

  • afterCreate M - Triggered for each record individually.

  • beforeRead - Triggered once before reading one or more records.

  • afterRead - Triggered for each record individually.

  • beforeUpdate - Triggered once before updating one or more records.

  • afterUpdate - Triggered for each record individually.

  • beforeDelete M - Triggered once before deleting one or more records.

  • afterDelete M - Triggered for each record individually.

  • beforeReturnRecord - Triggered for each record individually.


The hook function accepts a single context argument, whose properties depend on the current action.

Altering queries

A common use case for utilizing hooks is modifying the currentQuery before executing it. For instance, you can display records belonging to a specific user in the dashboard. Here's an example:

# hooks/articles/before-read.ts

import { defineHook } from '#pruvious'

export default defineHook('articles', 'beforeRead', ({ currentQuery, user }) => {
  currentQuery.where('author', user?.id ?? null)

Please note that users can still update and delete articles from other users. To prevent this, you can use the beforeUpdate and beforeDelete hooks to add the same where clause as in the beforeRead hook. Additionally, you can implement a beforeCreate hook to assign the current user ID to the author field. Here's how:

# hooks/articles/before-create.ts

import { defineHook } from '#pruvious'

defineHook('articles', 'beforeCreate', ({ input, user }) => {
  input.author = user?.id ?? null

Standard hooks

Pruvious has only one default predefined hook:



The hook clears the redirect cache after creating or updating a redirect.

To disable this hook, set the standardHooks.redirects option to false in your nuxt.config.ts file.

Last updated on January 6, 2024 at 12:24