On this page


The previews collection is a multi-entry collection that stores page preview data for collections with the contentBuilder property set to a truthy value. It is primarily intended for the dashboard, allowing you to see your changes live when editing a page. Internally, the data from the previews collection is served using the token field instead of the saved page data. This is achieved by using the __p={token} query parameter in the page URL.


The collection includes the following fields, with required fields indicated by the R symbol:


token R

A randomly generated string used in the __p query parameter for page previewing.

collection R

The name of the previewed collection. Only multi-entry collections that have the publicPages property enabled can be previewed.

data R

The stringified JSON data used to render the page preview.


An automatically generated timestamp indicating when the preview was created.


An automatically generated timestamp indicating when the preview was last updated.


The unique identifier of the record.

Check out the collection definition on GitHub for more details.

Last updated on December 31, 2023 at 16:19