On this page


The pages collection is the default multi-entry collection for storing website pages.


The collection includes the following fields, with required fields indicated by the R symbol:


path R

The unique URL path of the page. It always begins with a slash (/) and never ends with one (e.g., /about, /features/something, etc.). The sanitizers in place lowercase and normalize the input value.


Defines whether the page is publicly accessible. When set to false, the page will be in draft mode and can only be accessed using a randomly generated token. To access pages in draft mode, add the __d={draftToken} query parameter to the page's URL.


The token that allows to access the draft version of the page. It is generated automatically and cannot be changed.


Defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab.


Whether the base title defined in the SEO collection should be displayed together with the page title.


Specifying a description that includes keywords relating to the content of your page is useful as it has the potential to make your page appear higher in relevant searches performed in search engines.


Discourage search engines from indexing this page.


An image that appears when someone shares this page link on a social network.


The <meta> tags for this page. Values entered here will override other automatically generated meta tags defined in the SEO collection.


The page layout.


The publication date and time of the page. An internal job runs every 60 seconds to check for scheduled pages to publish.


An array of nestable blocks that make up the page content.


An automatically generated unique identifier that groups records as translations of each other. When populated, this field resolves to a key-value object. The key represents he language code, and the value is the corresponding record's ID or null if no record in this language exists.


The language code associated with this collection record. If not provided, the code of the primary language will be used. Learn more about translations here.


An automatically generated timestamp indicating when the page was created.


An automatically generated timestamp indicating when the page was last updated.


The unique identifier of the record.

Check out the collection definition on GitHub for more details.

Last updated on December 31, 2023 at 16:19